Nigerian gov’t reaffirms confidence in Air Peace amid safety violation allegations at Gatwick Airport

Nigerian gov’t reaffirms confidence in Air Peace amid safety violation allegations at Gatwick Airport
Nigeria's Minister for Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo (middle) flanked by the crew of Air Peace during an inaugural flight to the United Kingdom

The Nigerian Government has expressed unwavering support for Air Peace Airlines following recent allegations of safety violations at Gatwick Airport in the United Kingdom. 

These allegations were raised by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority’s safety inspectors.

In a press statement issued today – Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Nigeria’s Minister for Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo, addressed the media reports concerning the purported safety issues involving Air Peace, the Nigerian flag carrier on the London route. 

He reassured the public that the Nigerian Government fully backs Air Peace in its international operations.

Keyamo confirmed that he had received detailed briefings from the Acting Director-General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) regarding the matter. 

According to the information provided, Air Peace’s management has effectively addressed the raised safety concerns, and the UK authorities have since closed the issue to their satisfaction.

“The Federal Government has full confidence in the continued safety of the operations of all Nigerian flag carriers designated on different international routes, including Air Peace,” Keyamo asserted. 

He emphasised that the government remains committed to supporting Air Peace and other indigenous carriers towards achieving world-class operational standards.

Keyamo further highlighted that the Nigerian Government will continue to provide necessary assistance and cooperation to all local airlines operating internationally to ensure their success. 

He reiterated that Air Peace is no exception in receiving this robust support.

The statement comes in response to recent media scrutiny targeted at Air Peace, and aims to clarify the position of the Nigerian Government on the operational integrity and safety of its national carriers.

Tersoo Agber

Journalist, Travel enthusiast, PR consultant, Content manager/editor, Online publisher.

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